Tag: freezable

  • Pesto Primavera

    Pesto Primavera

    GEORGE:  Why do I get pesto?  Why do I think I’ll like it?  I keep trying to like it, like I have to like it. JERRY:  Who said you have to like it? GEORGE:  Everybody likes pesto.  You walk into a restaurant, that’s all you hear – pesto, pesto, pesto. JERRY:  I don’t like pesto.…

  • Perfect Marinara

    Perfect Marinara

    Well, perfect to me, anyway… So I’m from northeast Jerz. You could pretty much throw a rock in any direction where I grew up and hit a bagel or pizza joint. All of which had better bagels and pizza than the best bagels or pizza you can find in Colorado. Man, I miss good pizza.…

  • Ch-Ch-Ch-Chimichurri


    The Cursing Gourmet Tip of the Day: Ch-Ch-Ch-Chimichurri Man, I wish I knew what the heck Chimichurri WAS 10 years ago (and that you could FREEZE it.) A lot fewer 1/2 bunches of parsley would have ended up in the garbage. I buy dry spices majority of the time, but occasionally I will buy fresh…

  • Super-Goud Breakfast Burritos

    Super-Goud Breakfast Burritos

    I looked in the freezer Halloween morning and screamed out in terror! There were only two breakfast burritos left!! I was truly shaken to the core… Thank God I noticed before they were all gone. Mike literally survives on these things. Many, many moons ago, when Mike got his first full-time teaching position, his schedule…

  • Keep Ya Head Up

    Keep Ya Head Up

    The Cursing Gourmet Tip of the Day: Keep ya head up!! All right, I’ve been slacking a bit around here… Mike got the flu, Izzy got pink eye/ear infection, we’ve all had a persistent head cold since Izzy started daycare/I started working there… AND I have a hard enough time staying motivated about cooking when…

  • Veggie Pesto Lasagna

    The Cursing Gourmet Tip of the Day: I never thought I could love a meatless lasagna until I met YOU, Veggie Pesto Lasagna! ? Thank you Neely’s!! ? ? ? Vegetarian never tasted so good! http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/patrick-and-gina-neely/veggie-pesto-lasagna-recipe OK, so I’m a little obsessed with pesto and make HUGE batches of it. But YOU certainly don’t have…

  • Piggyback Meals

    Piggyback Meals

    The Cursing Gourmet Tip of the Day: Piggyback meals! Awesome idea for people who hate cooking, as well as anyone who is pressed for time during the week. Piggyback meals simply mean taking one (or some) main ingredients from one night’s meal, and turning the leftovers into a second (and even third) night’s meal later…

  • Think Outside the Box

    Think Outside the Box

    The Cursing Gourmet Tip of the Day: Think outside the box. A while back, I realized that I make four different meals with the same base ingredients of shredded chicken, onions, carrots, and celery. I never noticed at first, because all the dishes were quite different from each other, tastewise: I make a Spicy “Asian-style”…