Sneaking More Veggies In… To Yourself!

The Cursing Gourmet Tip of the Day:

Sneaking more veggies in… To YOURSELF!

I’ve always heard of parents trying to sneak more veggies into their kids’ meals, but a while back, I figured the tactic was a good idea for myself as well.

As a previous veggie hater, I’ve definitely done a complete 180, and me and veggies are making up for lost time ❤️❤️❤️

First of all, I’ve figured out how to make them delicious (seasoning/roasting them, for instance!)

But I also add a lot more of them as well. Especially when I make a soup or stew or pasta dish, etc. It’s one thing to tackle a big side of veggies on your plate. But when you’re scooping up a spoonful of stew, you barely notice it’s almost all veggies.

Stews and soups are also ideal locations to cut back your meat portions. This saves you unnecessary, less healthy calories AND money… Meat & fish are expensive!!

“Meat Tooth” (another of my many nicknames) would cringe at my pro-veggie attitude, but hey, turn and face the strange ?


