Leverage the Information Age to Your Advantage

The Cursing Gourmet Tip of the Day:

Leverage the Information Age to your advantage (whether you’re a Hater or not!)

Back in the day, it could take you 5-10 tries to get a pretty basic recipe just the way you like it. Because all you had access to were maybe a few cookbooks, a couple magazines, your friends, aunts and mom to help you out.

Today? Your cooking “friends” are LIMITLESS.

Google “Broccoli Cheddar Soup”, and a gazillion versions of the recipe will come up.

Open up a few – SPECIFICALLY the ones that are rated at least 4.5 out of 5 stars by at least a few hundred people.

Note the similarities & differences, and if ya REALLY wanna up your nerd game, check out the user reviews (some websites even allow you to sort the reviews by those rated “most helpful” by other users!)

The point is, by using the basic data right in front of you, chances are you can make an absolutely delectable version of a dish on the FIRST TRY!

This is ESPECIALLY crucial for Haters! We Haters have enough things discouraging us from cooking WITHOUT the end product turning out mediocre.

I want winners every single time!!

You should hear me bitching to Mike when I come across a LOSER recipe! “238 people rated this 4.6/5 stars?

Buncha dumbasses!” ?


