Keep Ya Head Up

The Cursing Gourmet Tip of the Day:

Keep ya head up!!

All right, I’ve been slacking a bit around here… Mike got the flu, Izzy got pink eye/ear infection, we’ve all had a persistent head cold since Izzy started daycare/I started working there… AND I have a hard enough time staying motivated about cooking when everyone’s HEALTHY!!

Which is why I’m HELLA THANKFUL for my freezer game:

Use your freezer for something besides ice cream.

It’s not just a Get Out of Jail Free card for nights when I’m feeling extra hate towards cooking – It’s a friggin LIFELINE when we’re all sick…

I don’t feel like cooking when I’m HEALTHY and getting GOOD SLEEP! When I’m not?? Fuhgedddaboudit!!

Enter the freezer meal, a hater’s BFF ? ? ?

Yes, it requires a time down payment… But if you’re a hater, you’ll be LOVIN your month-ago-self when you really need this freezer meal!! ?


